I cannot forget the words my loving grandmother shared with me:
“No matter what life throws your way, you always come out on top.”
I know I’ll be okay.

BJ Rae

Bobbie J. Rae, or BJ for short, currently lives in a small town in the United States with her husband, and they have four grown children. She loves nature, computers, animals, traveling, art, children, music, and reading. When she isn’t writing or improving her music ability, she enjoys spending time with her loved ones and her dogs, and advancing her photography skills.

Along with writing books, BJ also writes articles of hope and encouragement for those who seek hope in hard times. Her topics include “Training for Success,” For Parents”, “Overcome Depression,” “How Can I Fix Problems”, and more. To see a list of all of BJ’s topics, click on the “Articles by bobbiejrae.com” menu item. Once you see a topic you like, click on the topic you wish to explore. 

Why does BJ write?

Although legally disabled due to traumatic brain injury, BJ helps others as often as possible every day of her life. BJ’s Grandma shared a message of love, hope, and encouragement with everyone around her daily, and BJ promised to continue to spread this message after her death. This website is BJ’s way of helping others and continuing to share this badly needed message!

But remember, the bad dream monsters aren’t real. Jimmy taught me that, and he was right.